2023-2024 / UNIG0001-1

European Values and Identities

Identity Politics and Representations

Sociology of Religious and philosophical Pluralism

Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Europe

European Economic and Social History 1870-2020

History of Public Power in Europe

Art Trends in Europe

European Labour Market


Identity Politics and Representations : 4h E-Lrng
Sociology of Religious and philosophical Pluralism : 2,5h E-Lrng
Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Europe : 3h E-Lrng
European Economic and Social History 1870-2020 : 3h E-Lrng
History of Public Power in Europe : 3h E-Lrng
Art Trends in Europe : 2,5h E-Lrng
European Labour Market : 2,5h E-Lrng

Nombre de crédits

 Cours supplémentaires destinés aux étudiants d'échange - Erasmus (Faculté de Droit, de Sciences politique et de Criminologie)5 crédits 


Identity Politics and Representations : Quentin Michel
Sociology of Religious and philosophical Pluralism : Quentin Michel
Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Europe : Quentin Michel
European Economic and Social History 1870-2020 : Quentin Michel
History of Public Power in Europe : Quentin Michel
Art Trends in Europe : Quentin Michel
European Labour Market : Quentin Michel


Quentin Michel

Langue(s) de l'unité d'enseignement

Langue anglaise

Organisation et évaluation

Enseignement au premier quadrimestre, examen en janvier


Horaire en ligne

Unités d'enseignement prérequises et corequises

Les unités prérequises ou corequises sont présentées au sein de chaque programme

Contenus de l'unité d'enseignement

The EurIdentity Certificate qualification aims to give all students in the Greater Region, whatever their academic discipline, a fundamental knowledge of Europe and intercultural skills. Symbolically, the certificate is obtained beyond borders, in the heart of Europe, through mobility in at least two of the seven universities of the Greater Region..

More informations : https://www.uni-gr.eu/fr/etudiants/euridentity-certificate


Acquis d'apprentissage (objectifs d'apprentissage) de l'unité d'enseignement

Savoirs et compétences prérequis

Activités d'apprentissage prévues et méthodes d'enseignement

Mode d'enseignement (présentiel, à distance, hybride)

Cours donné exclusivement à distance

Explications complémentaires:

All courses are available online (E-Learning) . Your exam will consist of a multiple-choice exam, which will take place February 1st, 2024 at the university you are enrolled in. We will send you additional information during the next weeks. If you find any information regarding a group work evaluation, please note that this does not concern this year's course, meaning no group work is foreseen in 2023-2024. However, we encourage you to make use of the different forums in the course to exchange with your peer students. 

Lectures recommandées ou obligatoires et notes de cours

Modalités d'évaluation et critères

Examen(s) en session

Toutes sessions confondues

- En présentiel

évaluation écrite ( QCM )

Explications complémentaires:

Evaluation February 1st, 2024

Your exam will consist of a multiple-choice exam, which will take place February 1st, 2024 at the university you are enrolled in. We will send you additional information during the next weeks. If you find any information regarding a group work evaluation, please note that this does not concern this year's course, meaning no group work is foreseen in 2023-2024. However, we encourage you to make use of the different forums in the course to exchange with your peer students. 


Remarques organisationnelles

Day trip

We are currently planning an additional and voluntary day trip, to which we would like to cordially invite you. This physical event will take place on April 11th 2024 in the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. In the course of the semester, we will send you further information on the organisation, procedure and content of this event. You can decide later on, if you would like to participate. As spaces are limited, please keep in mind to register as soon as spots become available on this site!


Pour en savoir plus sur le contenu, merci d'envoyer un mail à :

Quentin Michel, professeur responsable : qmichel@uliege.be


Pour vous inscrire, merci d'envoyer un mail à :

Florence Hautekeer, Correspondante UniGR    fhautekeer@uliege.be
T. +32 (0)43 669 713  ou +32 (0)43 665 723

Association d'un ou plusieurs MOOCs