2023-2024 / GEST7032-1

Organizations Analysis


50h Th

Number of credits

 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...)5 crédits 


Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This course aims at giving students analysis tools for a better comprehension of how an organization runs and sometimes runs across problems ... It allows the understanding of the different functions of the organisations in links with the comptencies of the referential.
It will help students better integrate in an organization and make them more efficient.
The presentation of concepts of rationality, culture, socialisation, power, bureaucraty, strategy, system allows the critical  analysis of different situations.
The analysis of the organisations presents key structural variables: work division and coordination , "inter-unit liaison mechanisms", "authority systems and formal communication flows", "power systems and informal communication flows", " kind of environment", etc. to define configurations..
The new theories of organizations are presented too.
The students will analyze his representation and will make differenes between these representation, the conclusion of academic studies and practical situations as mentionned in the competencies referential.
Contenus: To understand and to apply different theories: elements of the organisation - Function-Design and structures- - Motivation and implication-Classical approach - Rationality-irrationality - Formal - informal - Organisation and bureaucraty - Organisation and culture - Organisation and système - Organisation and strategy - Identity and work - The contingency-The configurations - Other theories- Organisation and change-Ethic and social responsibility

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Objectives:The objectives of the course are: - To Understand the concepts to analyse the organizations - To Compare, to analyse different theories - To apply different concepts and different theories at the situations of the enterprise - To apply steps of research: questions, hypothesis, context, research information - To be situated in organizational and institutional context and purpose solutions for the different situations-analyse scientific atricles-To compare his opinions and the opinion of the others-To explain critical aspects ans critical judgment.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Planned learning activities and learning events are face- to -face presentations, interactives methods, participative, collaborative and production methods:
Research of informations in writing suport to acquire knowledge and to explore
Presentation  to explain writing suport. Distance learning feventually or some points.
Examples,case studies to present knowledge and to understand and analyse
Debates about some concepts (limited rationality, informel aspects, culture) with meta reflexive approach critical aspects
Final activity with integration of the different concepts of the course. Présentation compagny; Reception, Exploration, questions

Analyse of one organization, working paper or other for problem solving, team working, production auto-analysis 

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

- Presentations of concepts and theories . Distance learning (not in live).
- Exemples, case studies, questions time ditance follow .
Presentations will be organized with teams.

Recommended or required readings

Power point on lola hec ulg ac be
To know more:
J.Robert, Organisations et changements en entreprise., Editions de l'Université de Liège, 2007.
Stephen Robbins ans Mary Coulter, Management, 8° ed., International Edition, Pearson, 2005.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

oral exam

Written work / report

Additional information:

Continue assessment
Evaluation of knowledge 
Report (research of information, lecture of scientific article, analyse and comparaison with the course) two parts: Ggoup report and individual report, Auto-assessment report about individual learning (knowledge, knowhow, being) 
Written report and oral presentation (if possible)

 Assessment criteria
- To know concepts and theories
- To analyse a case
- Research information
- Analyse information

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

see website lola hec.ulg.ac.be



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