2023-2024 / Master

Sociology (120 ECTS) (professional focus in Migration and Ethnic Studies)

120 credits

International mobility

The Master's programme is part of the EuMIGS network. EuMIGS is the largest European network of universities in the field of migration studies. The network involves 13 partner institutes in 9 European countries, 7 of which are part of the double-degree Master's programme.

Students can follow three routes to complete the two-year programme (120 ECTS):

·         Two-year degree at ULiège

·         A two-year degree at ULiège, including a semester of exchange in one of the 12 partner universities in the EuMIGS network. For further information, click here.

·         Two-year EuMIGS double degree, with a master's degree in Sociology, focus on Migration and Ethnic Studies from ULiège and a master's degree from one of the 6 partner universities in Germany, Sweden, Spain, Austria or Switzerland. For more information, click here.

As EuMIGS and all partner institutes are members of the IMISCOE research network, participants in the programme will become members of the network and will have the opportunity to participate in annual conferences and joint international training activities.

In addition to the advantages of a multidisciplinary approach to the master's degree in Sociology, focus on Migration and Ethnic studies at ULiège, this geographical mobility enables students to observe the dynamics of migration and cultural diversity in two different urban environments.

Read testimonials from EuMIGS alumni here: https://youtu.be/od8Ad2QXV6k

Academic directors :

Dr. Marco Martiniello : M.Martiniello@uliege.be

Administrative coordinator :

Jérémy Mandin jeremy.mandin@uliege.be