2023-2024 / Master

Geology (120 ECTS)

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organisation
  • Théorie
  • Pratique
  • Autres
  • Crédits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

GEOL0210-1Fieldwork in foreign countries - [10d Field work] Q2--[+]5
GEOL0301-1Cartography and geomodelling (personnal work) - [15d Field work] TA1030[+]10

Optional courses

In agreement with the Jury, choose courses not already taken for a total of 45 credits, in at least two different fields, among:


Resources and methods

GEOL0209-1Isotopic geochemistry Q12010-3
GEOL1041-1Gemmology and Analytical Mineralogy Q11515-3
GEOL0296-1Clays and environment - [1d Field work] (Even years, not organized in 2023-2024) Q11515[+]4
GEOL0020-7Mineral resources (english language) - [1d Field work, 26h Laboratory work, 32h Projet] Q126-[+]5
GEOL0277-1Groundwater quality and protection (english language) - [1d Field work, 35h Projet] Q12020[+]5
GEOL0313-1Remediation of contaminated sites (english language) - [2d Field work, 40h Projet] Q12424[+]4
GEOL0237-2Exploitation of mineral deposits (english language) - [2d Field work] Q12515[+]5
GEOL0021-7Geophysical prospecting - [5d Field work, 20h Projet] Q22620[+]5
GCIV0620-1Introduction to geotechnicsQ15
Part A - [1d Field work]   2010[+] 
Part B
CRIS0204-1Complement of crystallography Q21510-3
GEOL1040-1Metallogeny Q21515-4
GEOL0008-2Hydrocarbons and energy transition - ExplorationQ14
Energy context and exploration of hydrocarbons   15-- 
Additional theory and practice   520- 
GEOL1050-1Hydrocarbons and the energy transition - Techniques for extracting hydrocarbons and reducing emissions Q115--3
GEOL0225-3Analytical geochemistry - [1d Field work] (Odd years, organized in 2023-2024) Q21010[+]3
GEOL1046-1Geothermal energy (english language) - [40h Projet, 1d Field work] Q21815[+]5

Evolution of the Earth and the biosphere

GEOL0297-1Diagenesis and dynamics of sedimentary basins Q11515-3
GEOL0099-1Biodiversity and extinctions (english language) - [2d Field work] Q125-[+]3
GEOL0224-2Paleoclimatology - [1d Field work] Q11515[+]3
GEOL1022-2Origin and early evolution of life (english language) Q12010-3
GEOL1049-1Palaeobiology (english language) - [2d Field work] Q12515[+]4
SPAT0027-3Climate change and impacts (english language) TA3030-5
CLIM0009-1Biogeochemical cycle modelling and global changes Q12020-4
SPAT0054-1Astrophysics and astrochemistry Q220--3
GEOL0263-1Astrobiology (english language) Q245--5
GEOL0282-2Sedimentary and environmental geochemistry Q11515-3
GEOL1023-1Palynology - advanced course on Paleozoic spores (Odd years, organized in 2023-2024) Q230--4

Geological processes

GEOL0304-1Introduction to neotectonics, seismology and physical volcanology (english language) - [2d Field work] Q12515[+]4
GEOL0319-1Geological hazard and risk assessment, From theory to field work (english language) - [2d Field work] (Odd years, organized in 2023-2024) Q22510[+]4
GEOL0213-1Geodynamics Q215--3
GEOG0212-1Pedology - [1d Field work] (Even years, not organized in 2023-2024) Q2158[+]3
GEOL1039-2Geological oceanography, From theory to field work - [1d Field work] Q12020[+]4
GEOL0256-1Marine sediment geochemistry (english language) Q11515-4
GEOL0292-1Sedimentology applied to archaeology - [8d Field trips, travels and pract] Q230-[+]5
GEOL0302-1Volcanology (Even years, not organized in 2023-2024) Q21515-4
GEOL0223-1Complement of tectonics (Even years, not organized in 2023-2024) Q21515-4
GEOL0303-1Geomagnetism and environmental magnetism (english language) (Even years, not organized in 2023-2024) Q2155-3
[...] One or two listed courses chosen from programmes in other parts of the Faculty of Sciences, other faculties or other universities.-

Block 2

Compulsory courses

SMEM0022-1Final thesis
GEOL0318-1Scientific writing and communication
Annick Anceau, Collégialité

Focus courses

Single focus

Research Focus

SSTG0011-1Work placement - [4w internship]

Choose courses, with the approval of the Jury, totalling 20 credits among :

[...] choose extra courses from the ULiège curriculum that haven't already been chosen for a total of 11 to 20 credits-
[...] Maximum 9 ECTS can be chosen in the courses' programme of another university-

Bloc d'aménagement du programme de l'année

Additional ECTS (max 60) Master in geology (120 ECTS)


Compulsory courses

GEOL1033-1Crystallography and Mineralogy - Part A Q12030-4
PALE0202-3Paleobotany - [1d Field work] Q22020[+]4
GEOL1034-1Crystallography and Mineralogy - Part B - [3d Field work] Q21020[+]4
GEOL0018-1Sedimentology and sedimantary petrology Q13030-5
Part A   3020- 
Part B   1010- 
Part A - [1d Field work]   2620[+] 
Part B - [10h Projet]
GEOL0320-1Cosmochemistry and geochemistry Q125--2
GEOL1035-1Magmatic Petrology Q11525-4
GEOL1037-2X-ray Crystallography, Part A Q11010-2
GEOL0284-1Geology of Wallonia - [6d Field work] Q220-[+]4
GEOL0268-2Introduction to Research
Annick Anceau, Collégialité
GEOL0300-1Structural geology and geomorphology, digital mapping - [3d Field work] Q21020[+]3
GEOL1036-1Metamorphic Petrology Q21525-3
GEOL0321-1Sedimentary geochemistry Q21515-2
LANG0077-1English 2 (english language) TA45--3